Group 1:
Tim: The two strategies are good, since some of the boards require a large amount of calculation time in the beginning. Another strategy, make the board into a graph, but prune out all of the obstacles. Divide them up into sections and then make a minimum spanning tree. Use the minimum spanning tree to determine the order of points to visit. Assign the collector at the middle, place the lights at the end and the spaces between the end and the collectors. Need to determine which sections are redundant. Need to add or remove midpoints to the sections depending on the area of the sections.
Franklin: Not currently implemented minimum spanning tree. So, use waypoints instead. Not all of the waypoints are being visited, if they are too close to the wall, they will be skipped.
Vishwa: Our A* implementation fails when the slope is -1. Current strategy, lights start and then continue until it hits a wall, then it goes right and up until it gets around a wall. They have a buffer around the edges of the walls. The lights will go back to the collector, wait there 10 rounds and then switch to the greedy strategy. Lights are placed equidistant on the left side and the collector is in the right size. The lights check that they are not stealing mosquitos from the other lights.
Group 2:
Jinesh: We make a fine grid, start at one point, then look for any nodes in a certain radius, within the radius of the light. Then go to the next one in the line of sight, biased toward the center. Once the lights have made it to the collector, look to see which nodes have not been visited. Working on experimenting with lowest and highest density of mosquitos
Tieram: Need to refactor code. Working on pruning away the leaves of the tree. On the minimum spanning tree, we cases where the diagonal distance is not taken into consideration. Hoping to change the algorithm to start in the center.
Di: In the case of the really small openings, play around with the speed to make sure all of the mosquitos are past the openings.
Group 3
Harjot: have the code that will move the lights around, but not optimize the paths.
Tanveer: Two new things: working on corner cases. Implemented a handoff function for the collector. In small opening case, the lights collect everything outside the box first, then goes to get the next. Creates a new set of waypoints at the openings. Collector is placed on the point closest to the A* points.
Group 4
Sam: Lights will be placed in the first two sections if there are only two lights. The lights will sweep their section and then go to the next section. Once all the sections have been swept, the lights will go to the collector. Once everything has been claimed, thinking of making another mode to go out and get the final mosquitos. Lights have a start point and an end point of the section to tell the light where to sweep and when it is done.
Patrick: Currently having a bug that is making the light at the collector move back and forth. We need to think about efficient movements between sections. When there are a lot of walls, a catcher strategy might be better then a sweeping strategy.
Hari: fixed bugs in code. paths are determined by A*. Collector is placed in the middle. Planning on placing the collector at most reachable point from all other points. The sections are stored in an array. Have a list of unclaimed sections for the lights to look to go to next. Need to
Group 5
Marcus: New Strategy, trying to formulate the problem as a search optimization of the path the lights are moving. Minimizing the maximum length of the longest path of the light to the collector. Equally space the lights from the collector. Has been having trouble getting the paths equal distance.
Tanay: Check if lights are stuck, then force them out.
Lauren: working on making the lights go along the wall instead of the zig-zag on the board. It works well with the boards with the lights spanning over the board. Still having the issue that if they are not using A*, the lights go too close to the wall and loose mosquitos. A* will take a long time to calculate and freeze the board. Once fixed bug where the lights loose mosquitos, look into not going back to collectors before switching to greedy mode.
Group 6
Yang: Moves the collector at the largest empty space. This makes a sort of random placement.Adding a weight to small openings to discourage lights from going through the openings. The lights stop because they will stay if a movement will result in no longer seeing the mosquito. A light might wait forever if the opening is too small. So, added a time component, that the light will go through the opening if it has been waiting more then 10 rounds.
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