Group 1:
Franklin: Implemented three algorithms, have lights move right, left and then converge in the center. Other, move the lights in a spiral, from the top to the center, where the collector is. In the spiral, the number of lights does not affect the strategy, unless you run out of lights. If you miss a mosquito the score doubles as you have to run another spiral. One observation is that you don’t want to move if you don’t need to, otherwise the power increases needlessly. Demo’ed Tim’s implementation where lights go left to right and then back to center.
Vishwa: Position the lights on a diagonal, and then moves them in a left/right motion for a number of rounds then move them to the collector in the center of the board. Works well if you have at least 3 lights, if less, then the lights move in a square pattern. Demo’ed square strategy for 2 .
Group 2:
Jinesh: When the lights are less then three, there needs to be a special strategy. When there is more lights then you need turn them off, turn them off to conserve power and rounds.
Tieram: put the lights on the top and move them down and converge on the bottom center where the collector is. Demo’ed 2 light strategy, random. five lights, sweep town and then over to collector.
Group 3
Harjot: Also using the sweeping strategy, diving the board into sections for each light, might be overlapping. Trying to find the shortest distance to the mosquito outside the light’s radius to move to it. We turn the lights on and off too. The collector is in the center. There is a light always at the collector. Demo’ed strategy.
Group 4
Sam: Two strategies, sweeper with two lights oscillate back and forth to collect everything.
Patrick: Demo’ed strategy.
Hari: Also has a light at the collector to make sure the mosquito made it into the collector. Other strategy was to break the board into quadrants, the collector is in the most populated quadrant. The lights bring the mosquito to the collector and then the turn itself off and go to the most populated quadrant. Positioning the collector dynamically. Demo’ed strategy
Group 5
Marcus: Greedy implementation, the lights will go to grab extra mosquitos after the sweep is finished based on where has the most mosquitos.
Lauren: Had a vertical sweep and a radial light pattern. Some issue with the mosquito not moving into the collector. Demo’ed strategy
Group 6
Yigit: Did a left to right sweep.
Yang: noticed that sweep will not work for two lights. Tried to make a circle strategy but also did not work for two lights. with six lights you can start at both the top and bottom and sweep towards the center. For the two lights, turn the light off when it gets close to collector. Demo’ed stratgy
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