Organisms group numbers
Group 1:
Strategy: Old strategy uses age and generation to dictate actions. The organisms moved in an diagonal path. Continued to work on the decision tree and the age classification.
Jinesh: Not in class
Vishwa: Also uses age of organism to determines actions. The longer you have been around for the more conservative your actions. The intuition behind this is that the latter in the game the less food is around. Old strategy would win with larger board.
Hao: The decision tree did not work because there was no way to create a static tree and could not pass the information on to the children.
Group 2:
Di: 3 different roles, the New Born that looks for food, but stays on the same path.
Lauren: Split organisms into different roles denoted by the different states. The Scavenger moves toward food. The Camper stays put and will only move if it needs food and there is something around it. It tried to leave room between other campers. Roles can be switched based on energy or food available
Group 3:
Markus: Age is used to determine weather to move or reproduce. Only moves when org is young and then it will stop, to make the organism localized, and create a blocking structure. Organisms are shy and try and move away from each other. Organism spreads out well and creates a checker board.
Patric: Keeps track of how long it has been until the org has eaten as a proxy of how much food is on the board and how many other organisms. This beats sheep since it is overly aggressive. Does not look at states, but tries to spoof states. Tried to implement machine learning on parameters, but took too long. r
Group 4:
Tanay: Organism is very good if P=1, Q=0.
Franklin: Initial approach was scrapped. Noticed they were being starved sheep because the sheep was blocking them. So, every 20 rounds the organism will change direction. Moving in one direction is good since it allowed them to spread out on the board. Set very high thresholds for reproduction.
Tiernan: Tries to find the density of the board (other organisms) and using that to modify actions. Not caring about different species. Thresholds will be thrown off if amount of energy per food is lowered.
Group 5:
Tim: When the organism in alone on the board the organism should think in terms of groups, or farms. This works when the energy is abundant or the organisms will die out. When the food is scarce the org needs to be very greedy. It is hard to switch between the single organism strategy and the multi organisms. In the organism is by itself, the longer you are on the board the better the energy and pattern is. Minimize the number of organisms with multiple free spaces around it.
Yang: old strategy had a low reproduction limit, increased this. Still using the generational strategy to determine actions, but the generations can change depending on the available food.
Demo: Does very well in the regular configurations
Group 6:
Strategy: Farming with a notion of a colony with solders. Works well without other players or with low food. If too many people around, farm did not get a change to start.
Tanveer: Samples current board status
Hari: Decided not to go with the farming. Recapped Strategy. Uses states for communication. Uses age to help determine whether to switch to farmer. Organism moves to aggressive player and them will convert back to farms
Demo: Player is not switching to aggressive player. Did very well with very low food
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