Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mosquito 10/8

Group 1:

    Franklin: Section idea, divide up the board into different sections. It was very hard to break up the board into the sections depending on the obstacles. You don’t know where the lines intersect to make the boundary.
    Vishwa: Other approach of navigating across obstacles, it is mostly working, but will fail if you have a very convoluted obstacle. the buffer also needs to be dynamic, so that it takes into account other obstacles nearby.

Group 2:

    Jinesh: having problems when the nodes are placed very close to the walls which causes problems as the mosquito loose the light. Want to play with changing the starting locations of the lights and placing the nodes better
    Tieram: Basic idea is to build the board as a graph and finding the minimum spanning tree. Planing the lights at the farthest corners. Placing the collector at the closest point to all of the leafs.
    Di: Also working on placing the nodes based on density of the mosquitos

Group 3

    Harjot: We divide the board into regions naively. The lights are in each region and placing the collector in a unoccupied region. The lights will look for mosquitos based on obstacles and the A* distance. The lights only go to the collector once all the mosquitos are at the lights. Collision detection will really help and recalculating more often.

Group 4

    Sam: Worked on the sweeping algorithm. The light will go to a starting point in the region and then it will sweep back and forth always moving right and up and down. If one mosquito goes from one section to another or is missed, then the light does not go back or change its behavior
    Patrick: Strategy is to statically sweep the board, broken up into three parts.
    Hari: Breaking the board into different sections with the obstacles included. If there are more sections then lights, sweep the biggest sections, then go to the section easiest to go to.

Group 5

    Marcus: Finding that the lights sometimes get stuck.
    Tanay: also looked into a MST and not making edges between vertices.
    Lauren: Our strategy is to use A*. Now, makes one sweeping motion throughout the board. If the light finds a wall, then use A* to find the best way around it. Divided the board into regions

Group 6
    Yang: Last time we were trying to use Dijkstra and connect the board like a graph. Now, making each node bigger and calculate the lines to get to the collector. At the corner of the obstacles try to make the line have a greater angle to avoid losing mosquitos . The collector is in the center.  Is looking into a “diversion” algorithm to find mosquitos that are around before going back to the collector. Placed the lights based on the furthest places from the collector

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