Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mosquito 10/15

Group 1:

    Tim: Our value added is the sectioning approach. Basing the waypoints on the sections. Based the sections on extending the lines of the intersections. So, now looking on each point on the screen and looks at which lines are around it. Using this to assigns it to a section. Once using sections, we are trying to sweep the board.
    Franklin: Still don’t have something fully functional. Has A* working, has sectioning working. The way we were going through the sections were very naive. Thinking about changing the light roles based on the life cycle. Thinking about a collector light, a scavenger lights and sweeper lights. Also creating a buffer by extending the lines like group 5.
    Vishwa: Our scanning sweeping strategy makes the lights move around the obstacle to the other side of it, and then send it continuing on the same path.  What about placing the collector in location with the minimum obstacle density
Group 2:

    Jinesh <Not in class>
    Tieram: <Excused absence>
    Di: Strategy was to divide the space with way points, and use that to make a tree with the collector as the root. Then use minimum spanning tree to move the lights around. Now, they have optimized the graph to avoid edges. The lights only traverse the tree. Thinking about added dynamic functionality to have the lights go back to a node to get the mosquitos. Thinking about using different roles. Could not get the tree connected with the big maze because of the small hole.

To consider: life cycle for lights, or have the light see if there are any mosquitos in the edge it is about to traverse, so maybe skip that branch. Also prune minimum spanning tree to take into account light radius.

Group 3

    Harjot: You can move the light to be over the collector later in the game. Lights going toward the closest mosquito, farther then 20 units, taking into account the barriers and the other lights. Using A* to avoid the obstacles. . Have not worked on placing the lights. Has a lagging function where the lights will wait at a corner for all the mosquitos. Also haves a smoothing function where the lights stay on its path for a few rounds. There seems to be a bug in the A*. Have not thought about initial placement of the collector.
    Tanveer: If the opening is too small, see it as a solid wall. To calculate the A* and the ways points for a light on the edge, we create a new waypoint just for that light at the moment.

Group 4

    Sam: Make sure there are at least as many sections as lights. Each light has a start point, once the light has returned to the collector, move the light to the section closest to the start point and move the light to the start point of the next section.
    Patrick: We are having a issue with returning to the collector. Having a move by more then one error. We need to be able to move from section to section. If there are more sections then lights, then you need to be able to send the lights to the closest section
    Hari: Mostly done but has bug. Partition board for sweeping and then have lights go to that section. Working to collapse sections if they have a light of sight between them.

Group 5

    Tanay: the fundamental innovations are: changed how we move in A* and how to avoid corners. Lights will go around the corners in a certain radius.
    Lauren: lights being placed along a graph around that sweeps through the board. Lights will go along the path once, if there are still mosquitos afterward, then they go greedy. Are no always using A*, only when near a wall. No longer using the wall extension. Our checks against the walls are not working very well. One light is parked at the collector, the lights brings the mosquitos to the light by the collector and leaves. The collector is not placed very well right now.

Group 6
    Yigit <Not in class>
    Yang: collector is still in the center. The lights now see the furthest mosquitos. Lights will move to the mosquitos that are the farthest to the collector so that as the lights move closer to the collector, they will get more mosquitos, saving time. Has a lot of problems with the big maze board. Originally did not think the bottom 100 row as a row to be able to move to. Thinking of placing the light in a minimum spanning tree.  Turns the lights off after the light has moved to the collector and then needs to move back outside to collect more mosquitos.

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