Thursday, November 21, 2013

Airplane 11/21

Group 1:
    Yang: Combined the delay and the angle search together. There is no way to get the optimal in a reasonable amount of time, so the code greedily assigns the takeoff and angle. Will look into detecting the impacts on other flights.
    Hari: <excused absence>

Group 2:

    Tieram: The prioritization influences the order the paths are resulted. So the most problematic flight are resolved first.  We have found that this is too simple of a metric and does not work very well.
    Sam: worked on identifying and dealing with flows. Did a very similar strategy to group 5, made a wall at the flow and used A* to get around it. The other thing we worked on was prioritizing planes. We first looked at departure time and distance, also at number of intersections (most problematic flights). There was not one strategy that was better then any other. Once the planes are in the air, they don’t change their path.

Group 3

    Marcus: Doing a while loop through the planes. Will first see if the plane can get delayed. IF there is a head on collision, we go through the angles to find a good angle for the plane. This is where the infinite loop is.
    Franklin: last week our algorithm was not doing well with many planes. This is because we got stuck in an infinite loop.

Group 4

    Tanay: on flow based boards, we need to have the planes go on more of an angle then 10 degrees. Looking at  algorithms to find flows.
    Yigit <absent>
    Tim: We have an array that has all the plane’s location at a round. If we see that there are a lot of planes at the same place in the array, we know that it is a flow.

Group 5

    Tanveer: the collision detection is a bit batter then before, it is more general. If there is a crash very near the airport, then the plane departing from the airport will take off on the opposite side. We are not looking at better angles to save on computational time.
    Lauren: working on implementing the safety zones. When there are flows on the board, and we are using A*, the A* fails because there is no space to move. We are working on making safe zones to move the planes to if A* fails. We are also working on better collision detection. Previously we were only looking at head on collisions, we are looking at more collisions.

Group 6
    Patrick<excused absence> 

Future Airplane suggestions
    Connecting flights (one to many)
    Weather patterns
    Change speed
    Maximum distance a plane could fly
    Add a Z option, so three can be over each other, but 4 is a problem.
    No fly zone or Bermuda triangle that randomly changes berring

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